Comparison studies of helical vs. multi-plate radiation shields
Independent studies have been performed my renowned independent organizations like METEOMET, Royal Belgian Meteorological Institute, Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute, Spanish Meteorological Institute, Woodshole Oceanographic Institution....
Results from this study are coming. We are waiting for the publishing of the official research paper by the METEOMET researchers. It was scheduled for summer. We are patiently waiting.
Royal Belgian Meteorological Institute COMPARISON
Results of a year-long comparison between a fan-ventilated Stevenson Screen, a fan-aspirated radiation shield designed by the Belgian Met Office and the BARANI DESIGN helical MeteoShield Pro can be found in the WMO research paper which was be presented at CIMO/TECO Meteorological Technology World Expo in Amsterdam.
Link: Intercomparison of Shelters in the RMI AWS Network by the Royal Belgian Meteorological Institute
Concluding quotes from the radiation shield comparison:
“Despite the fact that the Barani shelters are not artificially ventilated, their performance is better than our artificially ventilated compact shelter. ”
“The mean overheating is as low as 0.2°C for medium global solar radiation and low wind speed (< 1 m/s). ...the overheating is lower for higher global solar radiation.”
Comparison studies of helical vs. multi-plate radiation shields
Independent studies have also been performed my private organizations & companies to compare the helical solar radiation shield to current state of the art multi-plate and the best fan aspirated radiation shields
Comparison was performed by an independent researcher in Italy, concluding that the Davis Fan Aspirated radiation shield provided no benefit over the naturally aspirated helical MeteoShield. In fact, for higher reliability and lower maintenance applications, helical radiation shield wins.
Another independent researcher from France, confirmed in his study a benefit of 0.8°C from the helical MeteoShield over the Davis 7714 radiation shield. During periods of still air, a larger benefit was recorded.
The professional RM Young 9007 solar screen showed significantly higher solar heating errors than the BARANI MeteoShield and the Davis 7714 shield. Solar heating error of 1.3°C higher than the helical MeteoShield was observed.
microstep-mis intercomparison
Over a year long (April 2016 to June 2017) comparison was performed between 4 solar radiation shields (or radiation screens in the UK).
BARANI MeteoShield
Rotronic Fan Ventilated RS12T
Vaisala DRT503A
Stevenson Screen
spanish meteorological institute
This study started in the spring of 2017 and is in progress. We will update any information here as it becomes available.